Upload And Share Your Videos

Drag and drop anywhere or click to upload your (MP4, WEBM) videos and start sharing them everywhere for free.

Upload Your Videos

Max Video Size 1.00 GB / Videos available for Unlimited time

Drag and drop your videos here to upload

You can also browse from your computer.

Password protection

The password helps protect your videos from public accessing

Drop Your Video Here

Add your videos by drag-and-dropping them on this window 😉


Customers trust Streamain as a secure solution that enables easy sharing and collaboration.

Upload videos

Upload videos

With the high speed streamain servers, video upload will never be the same again. Register for free to keep track of your uploaded videos

Share anywhere

Share anywhere

Share your video securely and seamlessly with anyone, anywhere via a secure link


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Mike Tyson offered $700M to beat Jake Paul in rematch

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Lyra Valkyria teams with Kayden Carter and Katana Chance to take on Damage CTRL

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Copa América refs, players and fans are suffering in U.S. heat — with 2026 World Cup looming

Copa América refs, players and fans are suffering in U.S. heat — with 2026 World Cup looming


Got a question about uploading a video? Or just want to dive deeper into how Streamain works? We've put together some of your most-asked questions all about video uploading.

Streamain offers an alternative to the giants of storage and video sharing in the cloud with the mantra of security and data confidentiality. Opt for a simple, efficient, essentially free and secure service.

Streamain is essentially free (and will always be free!). You can use our service to store and share videos.

It is not mandatory to have a Streamain account to use our service and upload videos.

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